Task (instructions)

 To learn about behaviourism you will do a poster. This are the steps to follow:

1. A random partner will be assigned to you through zoom small groups option

2. Your partner and you will do a poster to explain the following:

-What is behaviourism?

-What are the types of behaviourism? 

-Pros and cons of behaviourism 

You can use a PPT, Canva, Google Jamboard or another app you like. Remember you'll have to upload your poster to a folder in Google Drive! Remember that the poster should be easy for anybody to understand.

Use pictures! Posters are meant to be colorful ☺

The information you need is in this link https://www.simplypsychology.org/behaviorism.html

It will also be available at the resources section.

3. Submit your poster here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GexII5xAUAelPSpzo8y8EEQVfVg-TrQvztO2N35iFU8/edit?usp=sharing (Available also at the resources page)

4. A random pair will be selected to explain his poster in less than 3minutes.

5. Submit a personal conclusion (yes, it is individual), ask yourself, how knowledge on behaviourism changes your perspective on learning and teaching? Submit it in this Google Drive folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-CReJj4YvCQ9ocMK8Aztcq_K6BuR3-yd?usp=sharing

Deadline:  Friday, October 1st.

You are ready to go! 

Lets go Memes


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